According to the National Cancer Registry Programme’s most recent study, India’s cancer burden might rise from 1.39 million cases in 2020 to 1.57 million cases in 2025. Factors such as late-stage presentation, limited access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment, and cost all contribute to this trend of an increase in the burden of cancer-related morbidity and death in the nation. Further, even when free cancer screening is offered, high-risk populations continue to have poor acceptance rates. Myths about the disease, fear of getting cancer, and a lack of a social environment that would encourage people to take part in screening programmes are social barriers to early diagnosis of various types of cancer. These are some of the reasons that have been responsible for a rise in the number of thyroid cancer cases in the country.
Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer, with the incidence rates steadily increasing worldwide. However, the good news is that prognosis for thyroid cancer is generally favourable, with over 99% cure rates, if diagnosed early. Recognizing the importance of early detection and prevention, the Integrated Health and Wellbeing (IHW) Council and Rapid Global Cancer Alliance has taken proactive measures to raise awareness about thyroid cancer and its different aspects through talk shows and online initiatives. Thyroid cancer if detected early can have a better cure rate and hence in our cancer awareness and advocacy missions we routinely engage experts and know oncologists to for knowledge sharing and to create a conducive environment for early detection and treatment.
The talk shows are dedicated to thyroid cancer with the aim of educating the masses about the disease, its risk factors, symptoms, and the significance of early detection. These talk shows provide a platform for medical experts, oncologists, and thyroid cancer survivors to share their knowledge and experiences. By disseminating accurate information, these shows play a vital role in dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding thyroid cancer, while empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards prevention and early diagnosis and create relevant awareness on the critical health issue. The participation of cancer survivors and their care givers make the exercise much more effective and impactful as first – hand accounts and testimonies inspire and motivate thyroid cancer patients and their families in their fight against the disease and for solidarity and support.
By raising awareness about early signs and symptoms the discussions and events strive to encourage individuals to seek medical attention promptly, leading to early diagnosis and improved treatment outcomes for all. In addition to discussing early detection, the talk shows also emphasize on the significance of prevention strategies like a healthier and active lifestyle. They shed light on the potential risk factors for thyroid cancer, such as a family history of the disease, exposure to radiation, certain genetic conditions, and iodine deficiency. The talk shows and discussion also advocate for policy change and effective regulations to ensure that diagnosis is made readily available and affordable for the majority of population and no one is left behind owing to scarcity of resources and accessibility.
By sharing success stories and experiences of thyroid cancer survivors, these shows instil hope and optimism, while emphasizing the effectiveness of early diagnosis, timely treatment, and the high cure rates associated with thyroid cancer.
Furthermore, the talk shows serve as a means to advocate for increased research, funding, and policy support for thyroid cancer. They raise awareness among policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the general public about the significance of addressing this specific type of cancer.
By advocating for early detection, timely treatment, and increased research, the Rapid Global Cancer Alliance aims to contribute to reducing the burden of thyroid cancer and improving the outcomes for those affected by the disease.